Title I
Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A is the largest federally funded education program that provides financial assistance to local school systems based on free and reduced-price meals (FARMs) and Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) data. The CCPS Title I program provides additional academic support and learning opportunities, so students have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.
For more information
What are the benefits of being a Title I school?
Through the Title I, Part A grant, Title I schools are able to provide students with educational support beyond the regular classroom. Benefits may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Increased opportunities for family engagement
- Additional teachers and instructional assistants
- Supplementary instructional materials
- Increased technology in schools
- Tutors and specialized instructional support
- Additional professional development opportunities for staff
Family Engagement
Families play an important role in their child’s education as well as prepare them for academic achievement and lifelong learning. Schools, families, and the community must be actively involved in developing strong programs and policies that support the academic success of every student. The Title I District Level Family Engagement Plan outlines the strategies that will be used to promote an equal partnership between the school and home.
Schools receiving Title I funds are required to have a Home-School Compact and Family Engagement Plan. This document illustrates the shared responsibility for student achievement between the school, student, and home. It is distributed and discussed during Open House, at parent-teacher conferences, and at the Annual Title I Meeting in the spring. Copies are always available on the school's website, in the Family Resource Center, and through our family liaison. If this document does not meet your satisfaction, please complete a Feedback Form.