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Personal Responsibility

School-Wide Discipline

A child must feel safe and secure in his/her environment in order for optimum learning to occur.  The environment must also be conductive to learning.  No child will be allowed to deprive other children of learning nor will any child serve as a threat to his/her fellow students.  All children need to know our rules and procedures to help maintain a positive and save learning environment. 

Students will be provided a copy of the Charles County Student Code of Conduct on the first day of school.  These rules/guidelines will be reviewed with the students and all students are expected to adhere. The Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Committee has identified 3 levels of behaviors that may occur in the school setting. 

Our goal is to create a school-wide system of rules and incentives to encourage positive, on-task behaviors across all grade levels.  Each level identifies possible consequences.  These 3 levels of behavior and possible consequences can be found in our Parent Handbook.  In cases where the teacher has worked out an individual discipline plan with the student and parent, administrative procedures may vary accordingly.

Character Education Philosophy

At Eva Turner Elementary School, we believe that it takes everyone working together to make a successful school.  In order to achieve a "Safe and Orderly Environment" that is conducive to learning, our goal is to help each child develop self discipline.  We are proud to be a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) school that works to develop RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY in our students.

Bus Behavior

Riding the bus is a privilege.  We expect children riding the bust to behave in a polite and dignified manner.  To ensure student safety, even our walking/car riders should know the rules for safe riding, since school buses are used for most field trips.

There are four basic rules that all children are expected to follow when riding the school bus:

  1. Remain seated and faced forward at all times.
  2. Quiet talking is permissible.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself (and inside the bus).
  4. No eating, drinking or chewing gum on the bus.

The safety of our children is of primary importance to us.  Misbehavior, fighting or disobeying the bus driver can endanger the lives and safety of all passengers on the bus.  When a child misbehaves on the bus, the driver will fill out a bus Discipline Report which is then given to the Vice Principal and/or Principal.  The administrator will have a conference with the child, review the bus safety rules and remind the child of the consequences of continued misbehavior.  A copy of the report is sent to the parent of the child.

Charles County Public Schools has updated the bus riding guidelines. A copy is sent home with bus riders on the first day of school and is included in our Parent Handbook.